Event Detail

Due to COVID-19, this class cannot be held in person. We will provide 4 recorded segments and a live Q & A session. The recorded sessions will be on demand and you can watch them when your schedule allows. You will need to watch the pre-recorded sessions prior to the Q & A session. You must attend the Q & A Live session to receive CPE credit.

Date: November 1, 2020*

* November 1 is the tentative start date. We are recording the sessions now and will let you know if the date changes.

Topic: Fraud Risk Assessment, Schemes and Red Flags

CPE Credit: CPE Units: Eight (8)

Cost: $100 Members / $150 Nonmembers

Description: This session will focus on specific fraud schemes, their "red flags" which warn that the fraud is possible or is actually occurring. We will discuss investigative techniques, especially in the procurement and cash receipt and disbursement areas. Monitoring of controls and risk assessment knowledge will be helpful in understanding this course. 

Speaker: Mr. Steve Blake, CPA, CFE, CICA
Steve Blake came to South Carolina in May, 1983. He is an honor graduate of Southern College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting. He is a member of the Special Review Committee of the Government Finance Officers Association, for which he reviews comprehensive annual financial reports for the Certificate of Achievement Program. Steve has extensive experience with audits of State and local governmental entities, agencies of State and local government, non-profit entities, colleges and universities, federal and state grant programs. Steve is also a member of the Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina and the South Carolina Association of CPA’s. Steve works with governmental and non-profit clients in providing attestation and training services. Besides being a CPA Steve holds the following additional certifications: Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Internal Control Auditor and Chartered Global Management Accountant.